
Retire early! Live off your property portfolio! Let rent supply your income!

Retire early! Live off your property portfolio! Let rent supply your income!

We see these headings all the time in blogs and articles on property investment websites, but how do you actually make it happen? How many properties do you need to own for it to be feasible to retire? What are the costs involved? And, does being leveraged up to your eyeballs work in your favour?

As more and more people realise that living off their superannuation and pension is going to create a shortfall in their lifestyle, many are turning towards property investment as a safeguard for their future. What we urge you to keep in mind that it is often not the number of properties you own that you need to consider but the cash flow that is generated or the equity it accrues.

It is better to own two high performing investment properties situated in growth areas with steady demand for rentals, than to own 4 that are not performing well and costing you money.

Smart, considered property selection will prove invaluable, which is why we recommend you get some professional advice before you jump into the property investment market.
Obtaining the right loan for your investments can save you thousands of dollars over the life of the loan, and often banks won’t divulge just how flexible they can be. By utilising the services of a mortgage broker, one who has years of professional experience in dealing and negotiating with banks, you can fast track your returns, and create financial security for your future.

Focus Property Wealth can not only source you the best possible loan for your investment properties but they can also structure a long term financial plan, outlining the steps you should take to achieve a profitable retirement portfolio, and are committed to providing the highest possible standard of service. We will advise you on the different strategies you can employ to secure your retirement, be it through creating positive cash flow, growing then liquidating your portfolio, or a combination of the two - growing then paying down the debt.

To become a successful investor, surround yourself with a team of professionals whose knowledge and experience are known, proven and trusted and who you can rely on to help you achieve your property investment goals and retire well.

Complete the form above or call us today on (08) 6162 6577 and let us get you started on your journey to a comfortable retirement.